School Policy:
All students must be registered to participate in classes. Please fill out a registration form. Upon registration, a non-refundable fee of $20.00 per family is due, along with the first month’s tuition.
Tuition is due and payable in advance before the first lesson of each month. All single classes must be prepaid. Students who are not current in their tuition accounts will not be allowed to take classes.
After the l0th of the month tuition is considered late and a $18.00 late fee will be charged. All tuition is charged on a per month basis and includes a discount. Students who pay for single class will be charged $16.00 for a 1-hour class, $24.00 for a 1½-hour class, and $28.00 for a 2-hour class. All fees can be placed in the payment box in the lobby and are due before class. Guest teachers will determine fee for private classes.
Tuition refunds will be given for the following: (a) Student moving; (b) Student unable to dance due to medical reasons with doctor’s statement provided by the parent.
All return checks will be charged a handling fee of $30.00.
Students are expected to attend all classes in which they are enrolled. Please call and notify the school if your dancer is not attending. Give appropriate notice.
Students are excused for illness, family emergencies, and religious services.
Students may make up classes for excused absences if there is space in another class or if another class is learning the same material. Unexcused and excessive absences retard the growth of the student and the class and will result in dismissal from the school without a tuition refund.
Students enrolled in pointe and jazz classes must enroll in a ballet technique class. Because dance is a disciplined art form, students who are late to class will not be able to participate if they have missed the warm-up.
Students are expected to be respectful of other students and their instructors while in class. For the benefit of the other students, disruptive students and parents will be dismissed from the school and they will not be given a tuition refund.
Prompt pick-up of your child will ensure his/her safety. Students must remain inside for rides. (Parents later than 15 minutes will be charged a babysitting fee of $5.00 for every 5 minutes they are late. Please drop off and pick up students at the rear of the studio.
Do not block or park next to the building or entrance.
Due to changes at our building, we ask you to park in designated parking spaces only.
Do not block or park next to the building or entrance.
Parents and visitors are welcome to watch as long as they do not disrupt the class in progress. Only dancers are permitted in the dance studio. Please remember that gum, food, and drinks are not allowed in the dance area.
Cameras of any kind are not permitted at the studio unless given prior approval by the Director.
Cause for dismissal from school are as follows: (a) Excessive unexcused absences; (b) Unpaid tuition, costumes, and fees; (c) Being disrespectful to anyone associated with the studio; (d) Disruptive or rude behavior; and; (e) Not obeying policy and rules set by the Director. No refunds will be given.
Please follow the studio on Facebook and Instagram. Watch for announcements and class cancelations.
We will observe the following holidays and will be closed: Labor Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving weekend, Christmas through New Year’s Day, Human Rights Day, Presidents Day, Easter Holiday, July 4th, and July 24th.
LaRae’s Dance Unlimited is a dance school with a performing emphasis therefore, all enrolled dance students, are expected to participate in the December and spring concerts. The Christmas show is scheduled for December 23, 2024. The spring concert will be held at the Peery’s Egyptian theater on Saturday May 17, 2025 at Peery’s Egyptian Theater.
Technical dress rehearsal is one week (May 9-16) prior to each show. The full dress rehearsal for all dancers will be at the Peery’s Egyptian Theater on Friday, May 16, 2025. All dancers must attend all technical and full dress rehearsals in order to perform in the concerts.
The December show requires a performing fee of $40.00 per family and the spring show is $55.00 per family. (We choose to charge a fee instead of tickets at the door).
Class pictures will be April 26, 2025 prior to the spring concert for all dancers. Picture day is an important part of the show and all dancers must attend. Students from the school may have opportunities to perform in the community throughout the year.
Dance Workshops will be made available and will be posted on Facebook. Performances are an important part of dance training and bring many rewarding experiences for the dancers
Please ask your dancer about notes each week notifying parents of important information!